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PPE Event Proposal Form

April 27, 2017

…event are you proposing?* Single Speaker Multiple Speakers Panel Discussion/Roundtable Workshop Proposed Speaker’s Name First Last Proposed Speaker’s Email Proposed Speakers’ Names and/or Anticipated Participants Please include relevant email addresses…

National Undergraduate PPE Colloquiums

March 28, 2023

…questions about personhood, philosophy of mind, identity, cognition, and emotion that I had failed to consider in such a rigorous way before. -Dartmouth University * Above all this experience has…

Fall Reading Groups

August 22, 2016

…Moral and Political Philosophy. The groups will meet over dinner (at Gourmet Kingdom in Carrboro). The readings will be provided and the cost of dinner will be covered. Space is…

Why PPE?

October 20, 2012

…able to assess their value is crucial. The PPE Program’s mission is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of social, economic, political and moral problems.  In doing this, PPE…

Five New PPE Faculty in 2021!

September 16, 2021

…the summer of 2021 as an assistant professor with a specialization in philosophy, politics, and economics. Alex’s research interests include public education, the moral and political status of children, and…

PPE looking to fill new senior position

January 10, 2017

The UNC PPE Program is pleased to announce a new senior position. We are searching for an accomplished scholar with specialties in moral and political philosophy, who has research and…