Geoffrey Sayre-McCord
Morehead-Cain Alumni Distinguished Professor, Philosophy
Caldwell 201
Geoff Sayre-McCord has published extensively on PPE (often with the economist Geoffrey Brennan), metaethics, moral theory, epistemology, and modern philosophy (especially concerning David Hume and Adam Smith). He has edited Essays on Moral Realism, Hume: Moral Philosophy. and Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (with Jonathan Anomaly, Geoff Brennan, and Michael Munger).
In addition to Directing UNC's Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program, he is the Founding Director of the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society, an international scholarly society for those interested in the issues that arise at the intersection of the three disciplines in the Society’s name. Over the course of his career, Sayre-McCord has won the University's Tanner Award for Teaching Excellent several times, as well as the UNC Board of Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, and UNC's Thomas Jefferson Award for "personal influence and performance of duty in teaching, writing, and scholarship has best exemplified the ideals and objectives of Thomas Jefferson" in 2022.